Are you looking for a new job or a new career?  Have you been thinking about hiring a career coach? What exactly  could career coaching do for you?

A good career coach will help you clarify your skills and strengths in order to identify your career options while considering your preferences.

It all comes hand in hand with putting your working life and personal priorities in balance.

Are you considering a career change?

A career coach can give you great insights, figuring out the situation and your chances in the new career direction.


Are you struggling to find a new job or just finished school?

You might want to seek help from a career coach to create a strategic plan. This is a useful tool for focusing the direction right for you and not let things just “happen to you”.

And what is that a career coach cannot do for you?  They don´t actually find you a job.

They are here to help you identify and highlight your strengths, help you to find options you didn´t know you had, put it all in the context and motivate you. The action is up to you.