For individuals, managers and teams

Talents & Strengths Development

Maximize your potential with Gallup Clifton Strengths

  • Recognize your talents and strenghts of your team
  • Develop your Talents into Strengths
  • Enjoy accopmlishments and filled goals


coaching hours


years of experience in global HR teams


training hours


interviews and assessments

For individuals:

Would you like to:


Improve your Career?


Develop professionally?


Perform at high level?


Enhance your skills?


Improve your problem-solving?


Have better time management?

People who have the opportunity

to use their CliftonStrengths are:

6x as likely to be engaged in their jobs

6x as likely to strongly agree that they have the opportunity to do what they do best every day

3x as likely to report having an excellent quality of life


Service Talent & Strengths Coaching 

  • CliftonStrengths assessment
  • Recognizing your unique set of talents
  • Coaching for maximizing your potential
  • Developing talents into Strengths

Benefits of Strengths coaching

  • Focusing on your greatest opportunities for development and success, rather than only on your weaknesses
  • Performing better by doing more of what you naturally do best.
  • Using your talents — it’s a more effective way to accomplish your goals
  • CliftonStrengths gives you greater self-awareness, which can help you succeed in any facet of life
  • Using your CliftonStrengths reports and learning resources to better understand who you are and how you can be your best

For teams and managers:

How could you lead and develop

your team better?


Become a better coach for your team?


Increase employee engagement


Improve team development


Improve teamwork and cooperation


Increase productivity and sales


Lower attrition

Employees who receive strengths-based development have:

7% – 23% higher employee engagement
8% – 18% increased performance
20% – 73% lower attrition

*resource Gallup Inc

Service Talent & Strengths Coaching for Teams

  • Use a proven methodology for team development based on Cliftonstrengths assessment
  • At first you get your own report and coaching
  • Then there is a team session and coaching
  • That helps to build a strategy to reach your team goals based on Strengths

Benefits of Strengths-based Team Development

  • Opportunity for the team to discover what they do best using the CliftonStrengths assessment
  • Having meaningful conversations with them about how they can use their strengths to succeed
  • Using a strengths-based approach to accomplish your team goals.
  • Creating a workplace culture that attracts and retains talent.
  • Using a common language to understand each others strengths and enhance cooperation


HR professional and a Strengths Coach with experience in global HR teams and corporations since 2000. I help people with a change from „having a job“ to „having a career“. I worked in global HR teams in Amazon as an EU Senior Advisor and as Career ambassador for leaders in EMEA. Currently, I work as a Career and transition coach in Randstad RiseSmart Career mobility team.


“Marta’s support was valuable and relevant. She helped assess my experience from an objective perspective, gave important insight into the current hiring practices, and gave constructive feedback on my approach. On top of that, she brought a personal element to our sessions as well. I would definitely recommend Marta as a career coach.”

Stanislav Kuznetsov
Resource Utilization Manager, eBay

Marta was my career coach and I cannot recommend her enough. She always carefully listened, helped me organize thoughts and concerns and take the most favourable direction. Marta provided the tools that helped to find solutions to unclear situations. She’s a great professional.”

Ksenia Dubrovina
Flagship Operations SPecialist
Zeta Global

“S paní Nesbitt jsem řešila změnu kariéry a profesního zaměření. Konzultace mi pomohla objasnit moje silné stránky, dosažené úspěchy a jakým směrem se mohu vydat.  Přípravily jsme se spolu na výběrové řízení a na pracovní pohovory. To mi pomohlo získat pozici generální ředitelky.  Po nástupu do manažerské pozice jsem také konzultovala manažerské záležitosti.

Vřele doporučuji kontaktovat paní Nesbitt, konzultovat s ní potřebné věci, jelikož je profesionálem na svém místě. Je spolehlivá, ochotná, příjemná, inovativní. Osobně jsem velmi ráda, že jsem mohla jejích služeb využít. Spolupráce byla velmi příjemná, plná konstruktivních rad a podnětů, které mě po profesní stránce velmi obohatily a posunuly dopředu.”

Rosalie Duškova
Manager at CNC

“Když jsem se ocitla na profesní křižovatce, Marta mi naprosto zásadně pomohla. Ve svém přístupu kombinuje profesionalitu a hlubokou znalost s velmi lidským, pozitivním a osobním přístupem. Citlivě mě vedla tak, abych se ve své životní situaci zorientovala a byla schopna určit si priority. Pomohla mi pojmenovat, v čem se cítím jistá, čemu se chci věnovat a v čem naopak moc silná nejsem. Od Marty jsem odcházela nejen rozhodnutá, kam se chci pracovně dále ubírat, ale taky úplně nabitá energií děkuju a doporučuju!”

Zuzana Mánková
Forbes Czech Republic


Fot this type of coaching is necessary to purchas the CliftonStrengths assessment from Gallup. 

Intro Consultation – 60 minutes

The outcome of coaching sessions are up to you. However, during the first introductory session you can expect some of following results: 

  • understanding your report 
  • analysis of your talent set
  • learning how various talent interact 
  • dominant strengths
  • clarification of your goals
  • setting strategy and direction

After the Intro you can decide whether you purchase the following packages midi or Profi based on your preferences.

Price is 1490 CZK / 59 €

Medium Package – 3 x 60 minutes

This package of three 60-minutes session is ideal when you need a short term support of coaching or consulting usually for specific situations, clarification, goal setting.

It is also great for Strengths identification, internalization and strategic planning how to use your Strengths and work with your challenges.

For Career coaching we work on your messaging taking in consideration your strengths, achievements and successes.

For executive coaching you will gain a concrete strategies for reaching your objectives either they are individual or for your team performance.

If you have taken a CliftonStrengths assessment we will work on how to concretely embed your Strengths into your everyday life for your success.

Total Price is 4 200 Kč / 165 €

(Price/hr 1 400 Kč / 55 €)

Profi package – 6 x 60 minutes

Ideal when you would like an intensive or longer term support.

This package can be extremely helpful when you are going through a Career transition, facing major challenges as a manager or as a leader, or you are ambitious and want to work intensively on developing your talents into Strengths.

You can always reach out to me in between the sessions via email or for a quick phone call.

Total Price is 8 100 Kč / 319 €

(Price/hr 1 350 Kč / 53 €)

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(235) 235-1351



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